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Callus and Painful Corns

What is it ?

Corns and calluses are thick, hardened layers of skin that develop when the skin tries to protect itself against friction or uneven/excessive pressure. A callus typically appears as a broad, diffuse area of thickened skin beneath the foot, while a corn is a concentrated, small, and deeper thickened skin spot and is therefore more painful to walk compared to a callus.


  • Abnormal foot posture/biomechanics of feet (flat feet or a high arch)

  • Foot deformities (like bunions) or toe deformities (like hammer toes)

  • Poor fitting shoes

Signs and Symptoms

  • A thick, rough area of skin

  • A hardened, raised bump

  • Tenderness or pain under the skin

  • Flaky, dry or waxy skin


  • Debridement of the hard skin by your podiatrist

  • Orthotic therapy to redistribute pressure away from high pressure areas of feet

  • Footwear modifications: supportive footwear that are wide and deep enough to accommodate prominences/deformities

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